The Cox Family
Cody, Leah, Cody Wayne and little miss Molly came down a couple weeks ago for a family session. They are such a cute little family and I had a blast with the kiddos. They were so happy and energetic.. needless to say, they kept me on my toes the entire time!! Leah owns Liberty Farm Collections and sells custom made jewelry that ROCKS! She even surprised me with 2 AWESOME necklaces when she came down. A necklace with a mommy pendant and a charm necklace with tons of gorgeous charms on it. I know, I know.. I’m playing MAJOR catch up so I didn’t get a picture.. they rock.. but don’t take my word for it. Check out her WEBSITE!
Here are a few from their session. :)
elise♥ - such a cute family :)
Leah Cox - Tara!! Thank you so much! We love them.. You definetly captured the kids personality. We had fun at our session.. You are so sweet!
Keri Taylor Smithson - Cute family pics! I am almost POSITIVE I had college business classes with the mom, Leah, in Commerce! She looks so familiar! Great job on their pics!
Samantha - I know Cody and Leah and these pictures are awesome! They are a cute family…Cody Wayne and Molly are sweethearts!
Meagan Williams - AWWW these are too cute:) Brandons a firefighter with Cody in Plano..just adorable pics:):)