So much love. :)
Thanks for everyone who left such sweet comments about our little sea monkey (which is what we are calling it since it’s so tiny and we don’t know what it is yet.) :) B and I are unbelievably excited. The baby is due December 26th! Yes, I know.. Christmas baby! :) However we do have some friends who are betting on other dates… Alanna wants it to be 2 days late so it’s on HER birthday and Cooter thinks it’s coming early.. I think he said the 10th. haha. I got to tell Melissa and Sonya today. I bought a onesie from Melissa and apparently she thought it was a prop… but when she realized it was for ME, she SCREAMED! haha! :) Sonya was just as excited. :) I have to show off the things I bought from Melissa today.. :) I told her that Paris Baby will be featured a LOT more often in the future. ;)
Ashley - YES! 2 days late will be my birthday! Now normally, being an only child I don’t like to share… BUT I know this baby is going to be so freaking CUTE so it’ll be ok :)
mandy - yayy! i’m so excited for ya’ll. :)
Dusty - NO NO No… Hold that little sea monkey in till Decemeber 30th!!! Then we will share a bday :)
samantha - Ya, it needs to be on the 24th! That’s my birthday….hehehe
Shannon - Cooter is guessin a few weeks early huh!! lol..him and jacie bet on when makenna would come…and i think cooter i wouldn’t count on his guess to much..he isnt a very good baby predictor!! hahah
Whitney Tutner - hey girl!! Congrats!! I’m so happy for you!! I knew it would happen soon!!
TaylorStogsdill - Haha….LOVE the Cash onesie! Too cute.
Paris Baby - Thanks for the Paris Baby LOVE!!! Tab and I are so excited for you!!!! We are actually working on a little something for the ‘sea monkey’ right now :) Oh and I really did think you were buying those things for PROPS….hahaha
Brittany Poole - And mine’s due December 21st! 5 days apart! =]
Courtney Odom - Yay!!! I am so excited for yall!! I can’t wait for you to find out what it is, and I just hope it likes it’s picture taken!!!!
Sara - okay crawl the line is TOO cute!!
but i think the baby is coming december 28.. my birthday haha.
Jan Marie - Love the onesie! That is way too cute! The pacifier is precious as well. Hey I’ll have to get one that says “my nana rocks.” Literally rocks… I love my rocking chair. I can’t wait to rock our little new one in it. You have blessed your daddy and I beyond words. We love you girl!
Erica - so so so so precious!
Shani - GOOD NEWS!!!! DEC-JAN I am SLOW SLOW SLOW in work… which means I am going to be BORED BORED BORED!! LOL So needless to say, if you call me at 2 am saying you’re in labor I will be there with bells on my SONY A350… ;) OMG, I can’t wait.