Hope everyone had a fantastic weekend and all you Northeast Texas people are enjoying the snow. :) I’m one of those crazy people who gets as excited (if not more) than a kid! I love when school is cancelled… even though I’ve been out of school for seevveral years. I love going out and “playing” in the snow and then coming in to thaw out and drink hot chocolate. It just feels like regular day routines are put on hold and you get a free day to spend time with your family. :) I’ve been sick for 5 weeks now and getting out in this was not going to help me heal faster BUT I couldn’t resist getting out in it for just a few minutes. The last time it snowed like this, Briley was 7 months old and I was calling B every 30 minutes to see what time he’d be home so he could sit inside with Bear while I went out and played in the snow with the dog. ;) This year Bear was big enough to go out in it! But it was past nap time and she wasn’t too impressed. It was really bright and she kept squinting.. then she’d look straight up and the snow flakes would fall in her eyes.. so she’d growl. She did giggle a few times though. If the weather isn’t too bad tomorrow we might try to slip outside for a few minutes to let her play and see how she likes it. Of course I did manage to snap a few pictures during out short little adventure. :)

This picture makes me sad and smile all at the same time. :) The picture on the right was taken on February 11, 2010 (the BLIZZARD of 2010!) Briley was 7 weeks old and although she was too little to play in the snow yet I had to get 1 shot of her. This was taken in the 15 seconds it took for B to hold her out from underneath the porch for the snow to fall on her. :) This is a snow suit my mom got for her. Sadly, it doesn’t fit this year. ;) The image on the left was taken today. I had B told her out from underneath the porch (this time the porch of our new home!) We realized tonight he was wearing his same work jacket in both shots. ;) B can’t stop laughing at her stubby little legs in the shot from last year. My baby is getting so big!

Tara Swain is an internationally featured and published, award winning Wedding and Portrait Photographer based in Paris, Texas and specializing in child photography and elaboratle and whimcially styled sessions. She wokrs on location as well as offering a large, natural light studio right outside of Paris.


