Tara Swain is an internationally featured and published, award winning Wedding and Portrait Photographer based in Paris, Texas and specializing in child photography and elaboratle and whimcially styled sessions. She wokrs on location as well as offering a large, natural light studio right outside of Paris.


Melody Mallory - She is just too damn cute, Tara!!! You were right when you sent me that e-mail…she’s DEFINITELY smiling :)
Tabitha - I just want to SQUEEZE her! That smile made my day :)
Melissa Gordon - she is the sweetest little thing!! can’t wait to love on her again! bring her to the store soon :D
Elise Dodson - L O V E her!! :) she is the sweetest prettiest baby i’ve ever seen.. EVER :)!!
Jan Marie - “Dan” and”dandaw” love you baby Briley. You are so photogenic! I know your mama is thrilled you are such a natural in front of the camera. :)
Angie S - She is too cute! Beautiful little blue eyes. I am loving her and the sock monkey :) {I would like to make a request for the next lil B session if I may be so bold – could we squeeze a little more of Opossum into the shot? haha – she is Bri’s only sibling ya know.} Thanks for another post that makes me smile!
Tara - Angie S– haha I try. It’s really difficult to to get shots of Opossum alone, much less with Briley. She wants to lick her and steal her pacifier. We’re working on it though. ;)
Christie - She is beautiful!!! Congrats to you!!
Stephanie - Oh my gosh! these are some of the cutest baby pictures I have ever seen! How Beautiful.
Reagan - these are precious!
Rachel - She looks like her Mama already!! I love the sock monkey pictures. Too cute!
brandi - I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE her shoes! What a sweetie!
Sarah Baker - Love these pictures! Briley is so cute.
Jessica Hall Janicek - LOVE
Kara Rosson - Really…..these are so precious!!!! She will have Kain wrapped around her finger I just know…..he wont be able to resist her eyes!!haha
Shelly - If you come near the Dallas area you better stop so I can hold her!! She is precious…love seeing all of her pics! They are wonderful as always!
Samantha - I love the first one where she’s laughing at the monkey! Priceless!!
smittengreta - aw <3 so glad we found each other in the twitterverse! :D love your work, this session is especially adorable!!!!!!!