Ranger Game
“It’s not if you win or lose, but how you play the game.” Buuuuuuuuuut if you don’t play well, THEN WHAT? Okay, so we went to the Ranger game last night…. they played Boston. We knew, before going, that they were most likely going to lose…. but this was just sad. It didn’t help considering we were SURROUNDED by Boston fans!!! Seriously. It’s not a good sign when you have more visitor fans than home team fans at your home field!! But ofcourse the most DIE HARD (and don’t forget optimistic) Ranger fans in the world, were sitting directly behind me… and my ears. (My ears are still ringing.) It was still fun… but I’ve never been more proud to be an Atlanta fan…. GO BRAVES!!!!!! :)
(These are all just images out of my point and shoot camera.)
Big Papi himself!!!!
Me & B
Jenny Hodges - OMG!!! Yall are sooo cute! His eyes look really pretty. I notice you don’t have on a rangers hat…haha!