Pretty Packaging
Just wanted to take a second and show off something pretty I received in the mail today. :) I love me some Miss Ruby Sue. I ordered some BEAUTIFUL necklaces from her a couple of weeks ago and I wish I had snagged some pictures when I opened the box because I just loved how she packages them. Then today I received these beauties as part of her donation to my workshop attendees next week. :D (I said I wouldn’t post the vendors before the workshop because I wanted them to be a surprise, but I couldn’t help but share this..) I love how unique and delicious her packaging is. It matches her branding and her style to a “T!” I won’t give ALL of her packaging secrets away.. there were a few more things included in my package.. Lori always includes a special treat with her packages. ;)
I’ve got packaging on the brain right now because I’m actually in the midst of ordering new products for MY new packaging! I wanted to change things up a bit in celebration of the big changes with the new studio. I’ll try to post pictures when I get it all rounded up and finished. :)