New stuff at Small Town Girls!!!
Every time I go in the boutique the girls have rearranged the entire store just so that they can fit ALL the new stuff in!! :) They just got in a HUGE shipman of gorgeous sun dresses and lots and lots of shoes! It makes it REALLY hard to be good and not spend any money. I usually fail. OH and the new site has finally launched! So be sure and check it out! We’ve also got all of the info on the wedding planning/design business up.. (Platinum and Pearls!) You can get all the info on the website. Here are just SOME of the new things they’ve gotten in here lately! Thanks again to our beautiful model, Meagan! PS… I know last time I posted the new stuff from the boutique that a lot of out of town girls emailed me about ordering!! If you want to order something or have ANY questions at ALL, be sure and call the girls at the boutique and they will take EXCELLENT care of you! :) (903)784-7766. Don’t hesitate to call!!!
Nickole Drake - This store is seriously the cutest! I wish it was here…but i’d probably be broke then! ;)
There’s that couch! Loves it!
Jan Marie - As anyone who compliments the jewelry I wear knows, I LOVE this place. It is officially my favorite store in Paris for fashion accessories. Where else can you go to shop and feel like you’ve been to a friend’s house for a visit? Sonya, Katie, and Bailee are the epitomy of friendly salespeople. Great job on this photo session! It truly captures the allure and charm of Small Town Girls. The only thing better is being there in person!
Jess - Cant waaaaaaaaaaaaait to shop there!!!
erica - why do you do this to me when you KNOW how much money i like to spend in there?! haha i guess i’m going shopping on friday when i get paid :)
erica - but seriously i am mad at you for forcing me to look at this haha jk i love the pictures beautiful!
elise - yayyy :) looooks like i have some shopppping to do tomorrow!! hehe! love the pic girls!
Courtney Odom - Great photos, I want everything in there!!