My “teddy bear.”
Every child has a teddy bear, even if it technically isn’t a bear. It could be a doll or some other form of stuffed animal… but everyone had some form of “teddy bear” when they were kids. Some ragged old toy that they drug around with them everywhere until it was held together by a thread.
Mine is Fatty Body. Fatty Body is a short, curly haired sheep. I don’t know how he actually BECAME Fatty Body… although the name is pretty self explanatory. He’s little and he’s fat. He has 4 stubby little corduroy legs and two tiny button eyes. I’ve had him as long as I can remember. When I got married and moved out, I took him with me. I had to fight my mother to keep him… but somehow I made it out of the house with him. Now he sits atop a bookcase in my office. Lord knows how hes still intact… but he is.
While Tiffany was getting ready a couple of weeks ago for her wedding, she surprised me with the most AWESOME baby gift anyone could give me. A new and improved Fatty Body. :) (This is a girl though so we will have to find her a more feminine name.) She has a pink bow.. so obviously she is a girl. This sheep is about 10 times the size of Fatty and super soft. Like so soft, I would use it as a pillow.
Things have been so busy around here that I completely forgot to blog her! She’s just been sitting in a chair in my office, STARING at me… and I couldn’t stand it anymore. The first thing I thought of when Tiffany gave her to me, was Fatty Body. I’m sure I’ll always have him.. it’s a wonder that Opossum hasn’t gotten a hold of him yet. (She likes to pull the stuffing out of HER stuffed animals.) But I’ve been very careful not to let her get near him.
Meet “New sheep who has yet to be named” and Fatty Body. :)
There was also a unbelievably scary looking troll doll that for SOME reason stayed under the couch at my Grandma’s house that we called “Ugly Baby..” I don’t know where ugly baby is today.. but because of the hideousness that is the other childhood toy that I really remember.. but thats a whole other story. ;)
Working on lot’s of stuff…. more portrait sessions posts coming soon!
elise♥ - how cute!! :)
Jessica Hall - Actually, we had a barbie that was somehow decapitated and mysteriously moved from room to room at our lake house. You would look under your bed and BAM there it was to kill you. I might have polluted and chucked it out into the lake. Maybe.
micah - i dont know if it is because it is 2:32 in the morning… but i was moved by this. just knowing how the little things are timeless treasures no matter how old we or they get.
Jan Marie - Fatty Body looks so good after all these years!!!! Such sweet memories of a little fatty body sheep clutched in a chubby little baby hand of our own “baby T.” We love you sweet baby girl.
shelly - i have a “papaw bear” that i got when i was only 2 years old.. i have literally slept with him up until blake was born lol he was even in the hospital bed with me while i was in labor with mr blakeus lol now he sits on blakes dresser and is now “his” papaw bear. im sure sea monkey would absolutely love “fatty body”!!
Rachel - That’s halarious and so cute! I remember a doll that I used to have who’s head would always turn backwards. I don’t know how many times my dad had to redirect her again and again. I think she was possessed!!!!
Melody Mallory - I was given a little stuffed rabbit when I was a baby. His name is Hoppy. That rabbit became very thin over time and his little blue outfit is practically white from frequent washings. However, Robin came along and claimed Hoppy just like she did everything else that was ever mine. She still has him but I will be taking him back one day…