Mirror, Mirror..
My baby is about to be 3. Unreal. The years just keep getting faster and faster. Her birthday party is this weekend and I have to keep reminding myself that she’s turning 3.. not 2. It’s just going by too fast.
Last year Briley had an Elmo party, because she was obsessed with Elmo at the time. I knew that it wouldn’t last and I wanted to mark that era of your life as a memory. I was right. Just a few short months after she turned 2, the year of Elmo ended and she moved on to “bigger” things. Right now, she’s in Princess mode. I’m not so sure this will wear off as quickly. It’s not just princesses though.. it’s My little Pony, Strawberry Shortcake, Disney ANYTHING, princess ANYTHING.. pretty much anything that is covered in 3 layers of pink and glitter and sparkle or wears a crown. It was a rush to get these before we left for vacation so I could get her invites made, ordered and mailed out before we left, but I’m so happy with how they turned out.
This weekend is going to be bittersweet. She’s so excited about this weekend.. but mama’s not so excited to celebrate that she is already another year older. I am excited to see her cake and how everything comes together though. :) Will blog some after the party as usual.
Briley Grace.. at almost 3 years old:
You love Mickey Mouse.
You hug so tight that you grunt when you do it.
You love giving kisses.
You love talking to anyone and everyone who will listen.
You like to make friends with everyone.
You get your feelings hurt VERY easily.
You can make daddy do anything you want when you say, “Puh-puh-PLEASE!”
At 3 you’ve already been 6 different locations out of the country!
You love to travel. Your favorite part is the hotel.
You LOVE to swim.
Although still fearless the majority of the time, your starting to show a little of mommy in you.. (like fear of heights.)
Your still such a tough kid and rarely cry when you get hurt.
You still love shoes. You steal mine constantly and make me hunt them down.
You also constantly steal my makeup and makeup brushes. I have to run you out of my room at least once a day.
You still only like to eat bread.. but you’ve added cheese in there too. Your still so picky.
Although you still sleep more than average.. your naps are getting shorter.
If you don’t get all of your sleep, you can get pretty mean.
You LOVE books but you don’t like to be read to. YOU like to read them to us.
You love to sing and dance.
You love to swing and slide and play outside for hours.
Your so independent and smart.
Your such a big girl and do more chores now like carrying your own dirty laundry to the laundry room and starting the washer (with mommy’s help.)
You MUST be kissed good night before bed.. you make sure of that.
Your have my temper.. and short fuse… still.
Although you never spend 1 night without “bankie” and he still goes places with us.. you don’t have to hold him 100% of the day anymore. (As long as you know he’s near.)
You LOVE to color and make crafts. You wake up and ASK to do a craft that day.
You love to draw.
You helped decorate the tree this year. You loved it. Although all the ornaments you placed ended up on 1 area of tinsel and it fell to the ground.
You can count to 20!
You’ve spent most of the past year being obsessed with Calliou.
One of your favorite things to do is play dress up. You are wearing at least a tiara or princess dress daily.
You wear your little plastic princess shoes so much, you’ve already broken the heal on 1 pair.
You’ve recently become obsessed with Strawberry Shortcake and My Little Pony (but mommy discovered they are not the original ones that she watched when she was little, and these just give her a headache… but she watches them with you anyway.)
You think your a lot older than you really are.
Your still a daddy’s girl.
You’ve gotten better about wanting your picture made.. except it has to be YOUR idea.
You can be so sweet and thoughtful.. and you will randomly ask if other people “are happy” to make sure they are.
You also have a temper on you and you can still be a little firecracker.
Your still only still enough to cuddle with when your not feeling well.
You surprise is every day.
We can’t help but love you more and more every day.
A few shots of her invite from this year!! :D
Triniti Frazier - Here’s to turning 3 Briley! Happy Birthday little princess…the fairest of them all! Tara, once again Ah-mazing work!!!
Denise felty - OMG she is the cutest thing ever!!!!!!!!!
Hope Hughes - These are adorable! The poem is so sweet; I love the idea of doing that every year; I’m going to start the same thing with my little boy; it will be priceless when he’s older….