Keri + Colt’s wedding
Keri and Colt were SUCH an awesome couple. I really enjoyed working with them and getting to know their families on their big day. They were all so laid back and relaxed the entire day. It was crazy just how well everything went. They had a BEAUTIFUL wedding. They picked absolutely GORGEOUS locations for their family and wedding party pictures.. and we also did the first look there! Every detail was so perfect. Congrats Keri and Colt!!!! :)
OH and you might notice this layout is a little different than normal. I had SUCH a hard time narrowing it down that I just had to make MAJOR collages of everything.. or I would have never been able to post all of them!!! ENJOY!
Jessica Hall - I LOVE the black and the red! It really really stands out. Such a pretty wedding!
Keri Taylor Smithson - Yeah!! So exciting!! I can’t wait to tell everyone they are posted. I absolutely love every one of them!! Tara, Thank you so much for doing such an amazing job. You are the best!
DeDe Belz - Colt & Keri’s wedding day was fabulous and because of you it’s frozen in time! The photos are so wonderful. I appreciate how sweet you were to each of us. DeDe Belz
Stephanie Thayer - I love these photos, and I love the collage look. Beautiful wedding and Beautiful photos as usual, Nice job!
Jenny - I think the pictures of the little girl with her dress stuck in her diaper is SO precious!! How funny!