Kati is such a beautiful girl, inside and out. I met her for the first time at her session and I felt like I had known her all her life. She is such a happy, fun, sweet girl and I really enjoyed my time with her and her sweet mom too. :) We also had a bonding moment when I noticed a spider was crawling on a book near her face while she was lying on the ground. I’ll spare you the gory details but needless to say I discovered Kati is as afraid of spiders as I am. :) We lived though.
Here are a few from Kati’s senior session. :)
Minda - ummmm. So I knew Katie when she was like 4 years old. Kinda freaking out right now. I’m still YOUNG!!! i’m not allowed to feel old!!!!
Jan Marie Gibbs - I LOVE these!
Molly Woodall - WOW….Katie is a senior!!! Can’t believe her Mom is old enough to have a senior! You are a beautiful young lady!