Jynna + Manny… 5 years later…
You might remember Jynna and Manny from their family session a few months ago. Well right after their session, Jynna and I started talking about shooting a “Day After” session! They weren’t too thrilled with their wedding pictures when they got married 5 years ago and they really wanted some sweet images of them dressed up for canvas wraps to hang in their house! We had been talking about it off an of since February.. I LOVE these types of sessions so I was super excited.
In one of the emails Jynna asked me about the “First Look” that I do at weddings. It HAD been 5 years since Manny had seen her in her dress and they have both changed over those 5 years.. so she thought it would be a cool idea to kick their session off with the first look!!
Tiffany did her hair and makeup and she did AHHHHHWWWESOME!!!! Jynna wore her hair down and it was stunning. As Manny walked up, Jynna ran and hid behind a tree.. I took Manny where we wanted him… and gave Jynna the signal…. she started walking up (but not before she almost fell backwards into the creek.) It was SO awesome. Manny and Jynna were SOOO nervous! It was so cute. Even though he has seen her before in that dress, he said his heart was beating so fast. I got some of my most favorite images of all time out of this session!!! Here are a few of my faves. Leave them some BLOG LOVE!!!
We snapped a few while waiting for Manny to get there.
Manny waiting…
I love how he starts smiling as he hears her walking up behind him!!!!!! They were both smiling like little kids.
Now for a few outtakes! :)
(Jenna running off to hide)
I snapped this really quick has Manny was trying to jump the fence! ;)
Look at those dirty feet!!!!
Jacie - o man i love these!! soooo cute!!
amber - i love the “5 years later”.. and the picture of her with the vail covering her face as she is looking up the camera gave me goosebumps!!! great job!!
samantha - I love these!
Cindy - Awesome pics!! They are all so good, but love when the first see each other and the outtakes are cute.
elise - such a cute couple! :) awesome pictures girlie! :)
Jynna - I would recommend this type of shoot to ANY married couple…Manny and I had a blast and it was also very romantic. We were both nervous about seeing each other even though we have been married for 5 years.
Erica - some of my favorites! i love the veil!