Jordan + Terry – Telephone, Texas Wedding
This was my first wedding back from maternity leave. Getting back to work is bittersweet. I love my job and although I did miss working, I DID enjoy the time off and being able to spend it with B and little B. :) Jess came up to 2nd shoot with me and as we were getting ready I get a frantic phone call from Tiffany (Smokin Hot Makeup artist)- apparently the bridge that we needed to take to get to Telephone was flooded! It’s so far out that there are no cell towers so she had to back track enough to where she could call out- then she called Jordan to get the new route and called me back. Now that we had to take a different route, Jess and I decided to leave earlier than we had originally planned to be certain we get there in plenty of time. Good plan, right? Well, about 3 miles from home my truck starts “dinging,” and I look down to see that the tire pressure in my back left tire is dropping… 4…3…2…1.. 0!!!!!! I pulled over, thinking it was just a mistake and THIS is what I found.
I called B who was at home with Briley. Luckily my father in law came and rescued us… we abandoned my truck and went back to the house to get Jess’s car and hit the road again. Surprisingly we were only 20 minutes late. Jordan hadn’t even started her makeup yet. Fast forward. The reception site was in Bells which was about 40 minutes away. We grabbed some directions and put the address in the GPS just to be “fool proof.” We were behind 2 other vehicles of wedding guests who left the church right before us. But the guests didn’t make a turn when the GPS said too… we assumed the GPS was wrong and kept following…. but then of course the GPS continued to loose it’s mind as we refused to “make u turns” or “turn around when possible.” Eventually I called Jordan to let her know that we were on our way… but some of her guests were lost. ;) So we turned around and after taking a few back roads to get back on track we made it to the reception!! The parking lot was packed but our SUPER sweet bride and groom saved us a parking spot RIGHT UP FRONT!! I am happy to say that after the detour we took on the way to the reception, nothing else bad happened! :) The wedding was beautiful, as well as the reception. Jordan looked FABULOUS and Terry was very handsome! I also appreciate all of the guests/blog stalkers who told me how adorable Briley was. ;) Jordan and Terry… hope you are having an amazing time in Mexico!! CONGRATS!!!!
There was SNOW on the ground! :) So of course I took advantage…
Tiffany was Jordan’s hair and makeup artist! :)
The first look!
Jordan said she was up for some shots outside… so we bared the ice and snow. :)
One of the flower girls broke her leg before the wedding. But one of the other flower girls pushed her down the isle in a wheel chair which they decorated with the wedding colors! :) At the reception, Jordan signed her cast as “Mr. and Mrs. Terry Morrison.” :) How is THAT for memorable?!
I can’t tell you how many pictures Jess and I got of this guy. He was the ring bearer as well as the entertainment at the wedding. He’s got ALL the dance moves.
I seriously WANT those socks!!!!!!! :)

Jessica - These are great! The last one is my favorite. It was like playing “find waldo” in some of them, finding myself :):)
Elise Dodson - Aww, their wedding looked so beautiful. I LOVE the ring picture in the snow :)
Patti Michael - Jordan’s wedding pics are wonderful. Her dad is one of my cousins and I have not seen her since she was a little girl. Those are wonderful pictures u do good work.
Erica - ooo I love these. I love her garter. They look great. :)
Haylee Crawford - Love the confetti poppers!! Good Idea!