Field trip :)
While Jess was here I took her out to mom and dads house one day to see all the animals. If I had let her, she would have loaded every last one of them up in her Honda Civic and drove them back to Louisiana with her. :) Particularly, Bitsie.. one of the baby goats. Bitsie is a people person. She almost died when she was born, so she was kept in the house until she was strong enough to go back out with the other goats. Now she doesn’t realize shes a goat. She wants to be held 24/7 and if you set her down, she rares back up and tries to jump back into your arms. Of course when she did this to Jess, her heart melted. After that she made me go back up to the car and get out the cameras.. of course the only shots we have of Bitsie is when someone is holding her. :) Here are a few from her field trip. :)
Jess with Bitsie.
Me with Bitsie. (Photo by Jess)
The girls.
elise - haha i love these :) so cute!!
Jess - OMG! That cow picture is PERFECT! YOu MUST do SOMETHING with that! It’s so cute. Holy COW. (get it? cow)
Tiffany - i wanna play with bitsie!! sooo cute tara!!
Whitney Turner - haha.. o the good ol days on the farm!!! I love them!!
Melody Mallory - I love the cow pictures!
Jan Marie - Bitsie made the blog! She will be so proud when I tell her. I’m sure she always knew she was destined to make the big screen and not just the farm scene. The pictures are precious! You (and Bitsie) rock!
samantha - Those calves looked like they were so curious! I love these!
Lillian - awwwwww looks like my family!! :D haha the white goat was so cuute!! and the calves!! Makes me miss home