Courtney + Ryan | Just Married!!
Courtney & Ryan’s wedding was a blast! When I first met with Courtney and we were talking about the details of the wedding, she kept saying she wanted something different. She wanted everything to be unlike any other wedding she’d seen. Well, she got it! Her bridal colors were pink and.. ZEBRA! Everything was so bright and vibrant.. and it was gorgeous!! Everything was tied together so perfectly, from the bouquets, to the pew bows.. and even to the AMAZING cake which was made by Catering 4 You in Paris! It was a 3 layer square cake. The top and bottom layers were pink with RHINESTONES, and the middle layer was actually zebra print. Like I said, everything was tired together perfectly. Not to mention the HAND PAINTED Cala Lilies from Chapman Florist also in Paris. (If you guessing… they were zebra print also!) I couldn’t get over how awesome they were!
Besides the cake, my other favorite detail of her wedding was her gorgoues bouqet that some of her famiy members made for her. It was a mixure of different pink and green flowers, (with a few of the awesome zebra print cala lillies which also had rhinestones glued to them!!). But the most amazing part of the bouquet was the gorgeous rhinestoned cameo they attached to the front of it. In it was a portrait of her grandmother who had just passed away in April. It was absolutely beautiful!
Well congrats to Courtney and Ryan, your wedding was gorgeous! I had a wonderful time and both of your families are absolutely wonderful.. and SO much fun! Thank you so much for allowing me to be part of your special day and enjoy your pictures!!
Here are a few of my favorites!
There were several of these tall black trees around the reception hall, decorated with pictures of the couple hung by pink ribbon and candles hung by zebra print ribbon!!
The grooms cake.. “CUP-CAKE!” haha
One of my favorites of them getting her ready.
She had to FINISH getting ready in the dark, because the ceiling fan started smoking VERY badly and we had to turn it off so it wouldn’t catch the church on fire!!! The only light we had was a little bit coming through the window blinds, and then ofcourse my flash going off.
The twin ring-bearers, Maverick & Remington. They were TOO cute!
Her fathers expression is priceless!
We were able to sneak out and get a few of them both outside the church. We tried taking the formal pictures outside, but it started raining again. This was one of my favorites!!!
I LOVE this one! haha
Ryan’s dad put Ryan’s little sister in the back seat while they were trying to leave! She was sad to find out that she really couldn’t go!
Jesica - You are my NEW FAVORITE PHOTOGRAPHER. All these images are amazing and I LOVE getting emails from you. I hope we get to work together someday, but until then, keep doin what you’re doing. Your blog is beautiful, and I’m sure you will get many many more comment from yours truely! :P
Hunter - OMG!!
you did so good at the wedding
im in one of those pictures
im the one in the b;ack and white
i was getting my makeup doneee!!!
well anywayss,
you did really great!!!
thank youuu
julia - she was definatly different thats for sure you did so good on covering this one u amaze me everytime