Ashley + Zane
I’ve known Ashley for several years. She used to pick me up from school in the afternoons for my mom… then she’d take me with her to the salon and get her eyebrows waxed. I tell Necah THAT is why I am terrified when she does mine.. because I remember watching Ashley get hers done and how painful she made it look.. then leaving with that bright red unibrow. hehe. :) I can’t wait for Ashley and Zane’s wedding next spring in Pittsburg!!! For now… here are some of the faves from their e-session! :)
THE favorite. :)
elise - beautiful couple!! :) great pictures girlie!
micah - this couple really goes together well… they look like love. its good to see that. i mean all of the couples are in love but something about these two is different… couldnt tell you what that is, i just sense it. wow is it really 2AM?!!
Shanon - These made me teary. I love it!!!!
Rachel - I love all of the solid colors : ) This couple if B-E-A-U-T-I-F-U-L!!!!
Lacey - These are so good!! I love Ashley and am so happy for her!! You did a great Job, Tara!