Crazy life.
Well.. since I’ll be on maternity leave this Fall during the “Christmas Card rush” (mine was just pushed a little earlier in the year) I just closed out a COUPLE of the craziest months of the year for TSP…. 5 weddings, 40+ mini sessions 20+ full sessions and the DMDC Dance Recital which I both had a child in and photographed, in May alone.. and June has been catch-up month as well as a crazy month in itself! Tomorrow is actually my first Saturday since mid February that I haven’t had a wedding or event I’ve had to be at, photograph, etc. Although I lived, I’m currently in the midst of the result of those insane months. May be lack of sleep.. or may be pregnancy hormones, and I know I’ve said it 100 times over the last few weeks, but I have the greatest clients in the world and I want to thank you all for all of your amazing support AND your patience.
I’m still getting caught up on blog posts and sneak peeks so bare with me while I get those up. I’ll have PLENTY more next week. :)
If you missed the post, we are happy to announce that we will be adding a sweet baby BOY to our family this November!! I’m not going to lie when I say that I’m a little nervous ;) When we found out Briley was a girl, I was “devastated.” I only wanted boys.. I was a tomboy and having a girl terrified me. But now that our lives revolve around glitter and princess dresses, it’s come to be second nature. Now I have to re learn a whole new breed of human being!! Briley has come to terms with it. ;) She was excited at first.. but within an hour it set in that it wasn’t a girl in mommy’s tummy and she had a few minor break downs. ;) But she’s still excited and talks to him daily so it went over a lot better than I thought it might. ;) We DO tentatively have a first name picked out.. but middle name is still under debate.. so I’ll be posting that later once it’s 100%. :)
I can’t keep track of all of the texts, messages, emails and calls I’ve received from so many of you checking on me, congratulating us, sharing YOUR stories of infertility, conceiving and losses. Each and everyone of them has meant so much and I still keep all of you in my prayers!!
The craziness has not slowed down just yet.. I had 24 minis in 1 week just 2 weeks ago.. which have all been amazing. I’ve met so many new clients.. some which drove 7-8+ hours 1 way for their shoot!! After those sessions I received 6 emails from some of the sweetest people talking about how wonderful their experience was and how much their child enjoyed it. In the midst of a crazy, busy, hectic time, it reminds me why I love doing what I’m doing. Then of course my amazing repeat clients who I always enjoy seeing. :) I always love my mini sessions because they allow me to do some of my more elaborate or crazy concepts.. and although I only have a handful of time slots left for minis this year, I’m excited to be announcing and opening tons of brand new minis for 2015, this fall. So be on the lookout for those.
So as for a scheduling update: I’ve also gotten down to just 3 DATES that are open for the remainder of the year for sessions.. this includes full sessions, baby plan sessions etc. I’m already booking for Spring, and since my maternity leave has blocked off some time, Spring is going to fill faster than normal.
Several of you have already inquired about Santa pics at Paris Baby this year.. and yes, they are still happening. But since we normally do them around the time that I’ll be having the baby, we will be doing them in the month of December and closer to Christmas this year. Since it’s going to be SO hectic as I approach my maternity leave, I’m going to make it easy on everyone. For those of you who have signed up on my email list for upcoming mini session announcements, you are already familiar with the EMAIL LIST. For those of you who aren’t, you can go HERE to create your account. But if you have already created an account you will STILL need to edit your settings and ADD “Picture Days at Paris Baby” to your list of dates and info you are interested in. If you have never created an account, follow the link above and submit your info. PLEASE MAKE SURE that you select all of the types of mini sessions that you’d be interested in. If your afraid you’ll miss something you can always go through and select every option. That way you’ll receive info every time something is announced! You will then start receiving info when it is emailed out. I email this info rather than posting on Facebook because so much is overlooked on Facebook. You will receive a confirmation email once you have successfully signed up. Make sure to add my email address to your contact list so that my emails don’t go to your spam filter. Once you create your account or update your account and select the “Picture Days at Paris Baby” option, you’ll receive emails that announce what day and time we will start taking appointments for Easter pictures, Santa pictures and Story times at Paris Baby in the Summer with Characters.
AND for those of you asking about mini sessions for 2015, I WILL also be adding dates for BRAND NEW concepts for 2015, this Fall. So if this is the first your hearing of the Email list, make sure you sign up now so you don’t miss those dates. While I WILL be offering dates.. they WILL be a little more limited than they were this year.. at least at first. I DO have a list of ideas for concepts that I want to put together though.. and cannot wait to see them all come together. So just make sure your on the EMAIL LIST so you don’t miss the announcements!!
So if you are wanting to schedule a session for 2014 please make sure to email me ASAP to set that up. For those of you booking baby plans, these open session dates would apply to you too! (And I’ve added 3 new baby plan babies just in the last week!!) :D
For 2015 Weddings, I will be taking less weddings next year than normal.. and already have several booked so if you getting married in 2015 and were interested in booking, contact me ASAP for details. My May is already fully booked for weddings!
PS.. We also reached 16,000 likes on the TSP Facebook page a couple of weeks ago!!!!! Thank you guys so much!!!!!