More new things from Mrs. Heather; the genius behind {feHEATHERS}!! I didn’t think she could top the hair clips.. but SHE DID!! I’ve got a couple more items that I didn’t get to work in (like feather caps and a couple more hair clips.) Miss Briley is teething AND having horrible allergies right now. She is not feeling too hot and definitely not her wild, happy self. But she tolerated me for a few minutes and let me get a couple of pictures of some of the new items!! I call this first hat “The Mary Poppin’s!” ;) You can find {feHEATHERS} at PARIS BABY!!!
AND since I had the lighting out and a bunch of other stuff drug out for these I thought I’d get a few more for part 1 of her 9 month pictures. Part 2 coming this weekend and I’m VERY excited about them. :) :) Hopefully she is feeling much better. :( (TUTU is made by ALL RUFFLED UP. SHE IS AMAZING TOO!!)
Elise Ellexson - love, love, love, love, LOVE.. just saying ;)
Rachel Stewart - Where do you buy these? Etsy or Paris Baby?
Rosa Schleh - She is such a PERFECT model, i LOVE all of these!! She is gonna have so many cute pictures to look back on when she gets older!
Jenny McNeal - She is SO adorable! LOVE the clips! Heather is very creative! Wonder if she can make me one…lol!
Teresa (Granma) - i dont care what anyone says she’s the most beautiful baby in the world!!!!!!!
Angie S - Oh Tara, lol, looking at those little chunky legs in a tutu just made my day. She is the best little model, teething and allergies cant keep her from looking like a living doll! She is just too pretty, and I love her little facial expressions.