New Angel
Today Heaven gained another angel. The Pickering family lost their beautiful daughter MiKyla after her long battle with Leukemia. I had the privilege of meeting MiKyla last month. This sweet little girl is one of the strongest people I’ve ever met I will always remember her beautiful smile and every ounce of strength in her eyes. Please keep her family in your thoughts and prayers. You can view more pictures of MiKyla HERE. Feel free to leave some encouraging words for Mikyla’s family on her WEBSITE also.
“Do not let your hearts be troubled. Trust in God; trust also in me. In my Father’s house are many rooms; if it were not so, I would have told you. I am going there to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back and take you to be with me that you also may be where I am. You know the way to the place where I am going.”” John 14:1 – 4
Jessica - I am so sorry to hear that Mikyla passed away today. She was such a beautiful girl who lived life to the fullest. Her family is in my prayers. Tara, this is a beautiful picture that I am sure her mother with cherish forever.
Robin A - Michael & Kenda my heart saddens at the news of loosing your precious Mikyla to such a horrible diesease. I lost my sister when she was 12 of cancer & I was 10 so in a way I feel what your other children will feel & yes the the hurt eases but the loss will remain. My sister has been gone for 30 years now but I think of her often & always smile at the precious times we had together. Michael even though we as classmates & friends dont see each other much just please know we love you & your family & will be here if you need us. There is nothing that we can say to ease your loss but just know you & Kenda are in our prayers every night & day. Don’t forget to lean of the Lord right now for he is the sheppard & we are his sheep & he will always keep us close in our time of need. Love & Prayers Robin A & Chisum Class of 89’….
Teresa - To the Pickering family,
Although I didn’t know Mikyla personally, I felt as though I knew her from hearing others talk about her. Her eyes tell her story. She has been an inspiration to so many others who have fought the battle of cancer. Her legacy will continue to tough others for many many years. May your heart be not heavy, but rejoice that Mikyla is healthy now and surrounded by God’s arms. May God continue to give your family strenght and comfort.
Paige - Tara, when I heard of her passing, I immediately thought of these gifts. I had many photos of my sweet friend who died recently and the JOY I had to pass those to her daughter and family! Our job, photographer, is a spiritual one as well. God used YOU to capture this sweet girls spirit, along with her Momma’s. Thank you.