Tara Swain is an internationally featured and published, award winning Wedding and Portrait Photographer based in Paris, Texas and specializing in child photography and elaboratle and whimcially styled sessions. She wokrs on location as well as offering a large, natural light studio right outside of Paris.


Haley - i LOVE the last two. It looks likes she is just sitting back & relaxing. The new couch is fabulous!!
Erica - okay the baby couch is adorable but that probably has something to do with the most adorable little girl ever sitting on it :)
Elise Dodson - Okay so miss little Briley is absolutely rocking these pictures :) she is soo dang beautiful! and im LOVING that bright orange couch :)
Kaley - For starters you have one precious baby girl, and second I LOVE sock monkeys! So these pictures just stole my heart!
Jan Marie - Beautiful baby girl! Beautiful pictues! Love love love that baby couch! As always, awesome work!
Jessica - Great pictures!!! I have to know where you got the giant sock Monkey!
Angie - I( am so in love with the sock monkey pics…. but then I see her kicked back on the couch like she had a hard days work in those last 2 and I think that might be the cutest thing ever. She is growing so fast!! Great job.
Melissa Gordon - LOVE LOVE LOVE these!!! Briley is sooo beautiful! And I am loving the new orange couch! We will have to add that in Aus’s 2 year pic shoot ;)
Tracy Waldrop - Briley is ADORABLE!!!
Rachel - Well hello Mrs. Blue Eyes! She’s soooo cute with her chunky little thighs. I love it when babies are like that. She’s getting big! Where did you find that couch? It looks like it should be in the backseat of a vintage car! Love it!
micah - what a wonderful mommy you must be… a beautifully chubby cherub baby happily wrapped up in lots of new playthings and plenty of wonderful pics to show her how adored she is. it must take loads of time to take these pictures KNOWING after every great capture you have to hug and squeeze and kissy face all over her lovely lil tummy!!! haha! these are too sweet, my teeth are hurting!!! :)
TaylorMcKinney - These are too CUTE! She has already changed so much in 2 months. She’s adorable!!! LOVE all the bright colors. :)
Reagan - Love, love, love them all!
Heather Sikes - those ducks really are HUGE! great pics she is so pretty!
Carla Michael - Tara….not only have you been blessed with an exceptional talent but with a beautiful baby girl as well. Briley makes a very good sales pitch for you! Another job well done. She is just precious!!!